The Archaeological Museum of Burgas (or Археологически музей Бургас in Bulgarian) is the oldest museum in Burgas city – and that was our destination for the day’s outing!
I hadn’t had breakfast so my trusty driver said I just had to have a “kebabscka” (at least that’s how I heard it)… YUM!!! It’s basically a Bulgarian hot dog, but with an incredibly tasty sausage – and the tomato sauce was soooo rich and creamy and smooth……… yuuuuuuummmy!
Those fields….? Wildflowers near then road and then… All SUNFLOWERS!!!!! For as far as the eye can see!!!
We stopped for lunch at the cafe beside the museum…
So many choices!
I never did understand why people put ice in wine… until I discovered here they do not refrigerate the wine!
My trusty driver.
I was fascinated by the side of this building – obviously one part has been demolished… but there are only supporting metal gizmos in some placecs…
Sharing some local calamari…
This glass was extraordinary!!! Over TWO THOUSAND years old!
After the museum and back into the ridiculous heat, a gelato was in order to fortify one for the walk back to the car…
Coffee dispensing machines are EVRYWHERE in Bulgaria – even in small towns…
On the way back, we stopped at a local fruit and vegetable stall for some delicious supplies…
This is another example of traditional Bulgarian housing from the 19th century…
~ Bella