I will now always remember this as the gate to heaven on earth…
We were back up to the Strahov Monastery, this time to see the library…
We didn’t know one had to have a photo permission authority sticker until a woman coming down the stairs gave this one to me since she was no longer using it!
…and here is heaven!
It felt sooooo surreal being there – as though I was dreaming it…
Eventually, I had to move on… and came across something else quite extraordinary!
These books were created in the 19th century, and each one is actually from one tree – the whole book is made from that tree, as well as containing all the information pertaining to that tree…
They were extraordinary!
This (below) is the ceiling… and here we re-encountered the extremely grumpy lady who was so touched that we came back, she was extra-helpful and accommodating!
…and when you need a break from heaven on earth, you simply go to another part of the building for yet another heaven on earth…
This (below) is the now-not-grumpy lady showing us how the rotating book stand works…
Behind these gilt doors were kept the forbidden manuscripts…
…and past what at first glance looks like a chunk of concrete – that just happens to be from Ancient Egypt and thousands of years old!
Back to my lovely books…
…and a final look at heaven on earth…
…and still we continue with even more to experience… Click to read on…