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Urriðafoss Waterfall and Walter Mitty bridge

Harry Hyundai and I decided to go hunting for a couple of Walter Mitty filming locations, as well as a particular waterfall – and we succeeded on both accounts…

After navigating a road that almost swallowed up poor Harry (he’s such a trooper!)…

… we arrived at the Urriðafoss Waterfall – the most voluminous waterfall in all of Iceland, and sitting on the longest river!

I suggest having the sound turned on to watch the video… the power of the water is astounding…


The Þjórsá River drops down 360 m3/sec by the edge of Þjórsárhraun lava field – a lava field that is the result of the greatest lava flow on earth since the Ice Age!

(back in the car and warming up – and this photo and one other I took at the falls is for everyone who has been sending me messages for ages saying, ‘the scenery is great, but where are the photos of you?’)

…and crossing the same Þjórsá River is Walter Mitty’s bridge!

(image from the movie – he is running onto the bridge, far left of screen)

…and from here it was off to find the restaurant where he did the skateboard swap in the parking lot…

~ Bella

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After finding the Walter Mitty Bridge, Harry Hyundai, my trusty rental car and I went searching for the restaurant where in the movie the characters did the skateboard swap in the parking lot... Although currently closed thanks to our friendly virus, it was a lovely spot... Right next to the…

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