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Glorious Day Exploring Rome!

Today I decided to go exploring Roma!

First, it was a twenty-minute walk to the train station and what started out as rather a hazy day ended up being brilliant sunshine by the time I reached Rome – just over an hour later.

Actually, my day involved walking, train, walking, train, walking, bus, walking, bus, walking, bus, walking, train, walking, train, walking…  Home!  By the time I reached home the sun was still shining but I was ready for bed!  LOL!

On my way to Lido Centro (the train station here in Lido di Ostia) I passed a permanent children’s fairground – it was wonderful!  Although this is the second time I have passed it – once (today) on a weekday and the other on a weekend, and both times the place was virtually empty…  Just weird abandoned rides playing music and talking…….

I arrived at the station and I knew I needed to go to Piramide Stazione and transfer there to go to Roma Termini…  However, when I arrived at the station not only was there no operating ticket office, the ticket machines were broken!  I managed to find one that was working and discovered that there is not a separate ticket for the journey, but rather a 24 hour ticket that covers all Rome transit!

Sounded good – however the button for the 24 hour ticket was broken!  LOL!  So, I ended up having to buy a 48 hour ticket…

OK – so far so good…  When I reached the platforms, one said it had trains going to Roma and the other to Colombo – so not wanting to venture into a 1970s television drama, I chose the Roma platform.

…and you can tell, I set off reasonably early (even for me!) as on the way home, there was about twenty-plus-times this number of people!

Unlike in Vienna where graffiti is considered an art form, here it is just a menace – but even things that don’t stand still are tagged…


So, at this point, I am on the train with my destination being Piramide…  Although if you look carefully at the list of stations, there is no Piramide mentioned!!!

Turns out, going TO Rome, the station is called Porta San Paulo!  Only coming BACK is it called Piramide!

So, we are ensconced on the train and all of a sudden the most glorious Italian voice starts singing, accompanied by a guitar…  After the performance this man (below) picked up his equipment and moved to the next carriage and started all over again…

Arrived in Porta San Paulo (Piramide) and managed to find my way to the other part of the station where the trains head to Rome…

Finally arriving in Roma Termini (A & B line terminus) I set about my Rome adventure…

…and it must be rough being a minibus driver here…

These police looked like they were setting up for a car boot sale!

Have you ever heard the phrase, “vestal virgins”?

Until today, I had never actually considered that vestal virgins were a ‘thing’ (technical word).  See this circus (circle) below?  It is where they used to bury vestal virgins alive…  Why?  Because it was illegal to spill their blood…  Go figure…

I love doors in walls…

Apparently many Italians detest the design of this building, thinking it looks like a wedding cake.  I think it is lovely!

Nothing could have prepared me for the AWEsomeness of the Colesseum!!!

Chariot racing, anyone?

This (below) is reportedly the spot where Nero watched Rome burn…

…and in typical Italian fashion, all the cars below are parked…….

Waterfront property in Rome?

I love all the orange trees lining streets….

…and heavenly!!!  Used book stall after used book stall after used book stall…….!!!

…and of course somewhere to buy your Prado (rather than Prada) wallets…

Finally back to the train station… Changing at Piramide…

…and this is why the station is named as such – although I was going to go and explore however I was chastised VERY sternly by an armed guard that I was not to take photos (he didn’t realize I had already snapped this one) and that I was to be on my way or he would take my camera!

So, on another train…  and the train this time was soooooo unlike the earlier one I didn’t even want to take a photo of the inside.  It was disgusting and smelled horrid… and was sooooooo cramped, it was like being on a NYC subway at rush-hour!

Finally back in Ostia and walking home, I passed a gas station…  (below)

So, now home safe and sound…

Oh, and I thought I would share the roses I bought for myself last night…  Their aroma is magnificent – like roses used to smell…  and I felt like a college student putting them into the only vases I had = empty wine bottles!  🙂

…and just what every girl should have beside her bed – a rose, magnesium oil, massage oil and an Oscar!  🙂


~ Bella


It's market day in Catona...  Hmmmm, no, wait - that's the line in "Under the Tuscan Sun"!  ...but that's what it feels like...  I feel as though I am alternately living the scripts from "Eat, Pray, Love" and "Under the Tuscan Sun"... Anyway, yes, today (Saturday morning) is market day…
I am writing this while sitting at a Chinese/Thai restaurant near home here in Lido di Ostia. When I awoke this morning after my huuuuuuge day yesterday exploring Rome, I was ravenously hungry and decided, rather than face the massssses of people at the various markets (that are delightfully all…

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