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Anti-Mafia Rally On My Street

Sitting out on my balcony, working on Bridgit’s next book and I hear a commotion down on street level, getting louder and louder, closer and closer…

So, I grabbed my camera and looked down to see what was happening…

It was an anti-mafia rally!  Turns out (after being then curious enough to do some research) since 2013 there has been a significant mafia presence here in Ostia.  Apparently they prefer the ocean to the city so have moved much of their operational base here.

My best attempt at translating the banner below:

If the youth denies the consensus also, the mysterious and all-powerful Mafia will fade away

People of all ages and walks of life were involved – from school children to pensioners…

This unfortunate elderly couple were attempting to cross the road…

…and, as always, the cars push through… (at least the pedestrians know to get out of their way – well, most of them)

Why are these policemen all turned around?

They are looking at this woman who is actually hitting the man in the car who literally bumped her!

But, this is Italy, so they allowed her to continue and eventually flagged the man through the intersection and away from her…

…at least it is never boring here!

Until next time…

~ Bella


It is another glorious day (Monday) here in Lido di Ostia!  It is a little overcast, but the sun is shining, it is around 20oC and barely a breeze... By the way, here is a map giving you an idea of where Ostia is in (the blue dot) relation to…
It's market day in Catona...  Hmmmm, no, wait - that's the line in "Under the Tuscan Sun"!  ...but that's what it feels like...  I feel as though I am alternately living the scripts from "Eat, Pray, Love" and "Under the Tuscan Sun"... Anyway, yes, today (Saturday morning) is market day…

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