Many of us have heard of ‘vision boards’ and ‘visualisation’ with regard to helping us focus on the future we wish to create for ourselves.
I am very much a proponent of such techniques, but not in the way one might think… This is not a ‘wish list’ – for in wishing for something, one is acknowledging the lack of it – and since this is an attraction-based universe, what do we get? More of the lack of it!
Instead, I like to focus on what I know is part of who I am – the essence of things in my life I love…
When I see an image of a magnificent castle, I don’t necessarily want a castle – what that picture of a castle represents to me is beauty and elegance where I lay my head of an evening… and I already have that in my world – and so it helps me focus even more on the elements of my life I love…
With that in mind, just before I left Scotland, I created a ‘vision book’ with cuttings… Everything in this book in some way represents elements of my glorious life – always perfect, always in creation, always wonderful…
…and I thought I would share it with you…
~ Bella

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