Heading out this morning, I went wandering to at first explore the Basilica di Santa Croce and the Piazza di Santa Croce. Here is the video – the individual photos are below: Piazza di Santa Croce ~ Bella
Museum of Leonardo da Vinci
An extraordinary outing – going for a walk to find the Museum of Leonardo da Vinci – and the museum was only part of the extraordinary day! It began with calling in to a pharmacy on the way – that was operating as a pharmacy before Leonardo da Vinci was even born!! Here is the video, …
The Other Last Supper
Another beautiful day in Florence and I went in search of the ‘other’ Last Supper… The Other Last Supper I actually walked past this place – TWICE – before I realised it was there… Just a small plaque on the wall, and a non-descript door. Created around 1445, this is the first Renaissance refectory …
Have you ever just …stopped…?
Today I had a wonderful day full of nothing in particular. I needed some extra salt (I use salt and Coke Zero to treat my low blood pressure, rather than prescription medication) so decided to finally visit the American diner that is literally across the road from the hotel. I figured if I wanted salt, what …
Michelangelo Piazza
Michelangelo Piazza – the location for all those amazing vistas of Florence that have become so famous. The Piazza is a fairly recent addition to Florence, being designed in 1869 by architect, Giuseppe Poggi. This wall is (I think) Torre del Belvedere. There are three statues of David in Florence. This is a bronze …
Si, sono solo!
My day started with sitting outside at one of the local cafes, happily working away as the world meandered by… having a glass of wine… and an Italian fellow probably in his sixties (and very good looking, I might add), wearing jeans and a shirt, asked me if I was alone. “Yes – Si, sono …
Florence Loop – Post 3 of 3
This is the third in a series of posts continuing my loop of Florence… It is a glorious city – and so very compact! The view over the city from Michelangelo Piazza is truly awe-inspiring. ~ Bella
Florence Loop – Post 2 of 3
…continuing my loop of the city of Florence…
Florence Loop – Post 1 of 3
Welcome to Florence! To get a general idea of the area, one of the first things I do in a new city is, where available, I take the loop bus – and so that’s what I did today, on yet another glorious days here in Firenze. Starting in Independence Square, I did two loops, one …
Welcome to Florence!
This was my last day in the glorious piece of Heaven in Suffolk. It was so hard to leave. There is a line in one of my favourite movies, “Under the Tuscan Sun” (hmmm, appropriate now that I am in Tuscany!) where Marcello says, “when you smash into something good, hold on until it’s time …