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Category: England

Historic Exeter Quayside

Exeter Quayside is such a beautiful tucked-away gem that dates back to Roman times. It was a thriving port until the 14th century when weirs were built across the River Exe.

A Sherman Tank in England..?

On this magical day, we set out to explore the Sherman tank that now sits beside a beach in South Devon – but first, a stop for lunch…

…and finally we reach Slapton Sands, home of a recovered Sherman tank…

~ Bella

Dartmoor River Crossing

It was a glorious day so George Jeep (rental) and I went for a meander… First, sitting at one of my favourite spots for some reading…

…then off to cross the River Dart…

Note – this phone box actually has a TELEPHONE in it!

…and complete with seals frolicking… (ok, so I realise it looks like a chunk of wood, but it’s not)

~ Bella

Canada owns part of Britain?

Yes, Canada does actually own part of Britain!

Welcome to Wolford Chapel… where the building and land are publicly owned by the Canadian province of Ontario, and flies the Flag of Canada despite the chapel being in the English countryside!

~ Bella

Thatched Pub Built in 1620

We first were headed here – but alas, no one was home, so we went in search of another beautiful old pub – and didn’t have to travel far…

The Kings Arms, Tedburn, built in 1620…

…next stop – CANADA..?

~ Bella

Babbicombe Funicular Cliff Railway

I love funicular railways, and have even travelled on the world’s steepest – Lookout Mountain Incline Railway in Chattanooga, Tennessee.

Essentially, a funicular is a transport system where two cars are attached via cables, and the car going up counterbalances the car coming down.  It’s quite simple yet ingenious.

~ Bella