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Category: Iceland

Hafnarfjörður – home of Vikings, Elves, Dwarves and other Mystical Beings

Home sweet home for the next couple of months is a what amounts to a delightful Viking hunting lodge, right at the harbour.

Hafnarfjördur is famous for having one of Iceland’s largest settlements of elves, dwarves and other mystical beings, which (translating from the Icelandic) are collectively called ‘Hidden Folk.’ Folklore going back centuries has it that whole clans reside in the rocks that make up part of the town’s centre.

…but first off to collect Harry the Hyundai – my rental car who I think was born a good ten years ago, and his rusted dents providing extra gravitas one does not normally look for in a vehicle… but my requirements for this trip were economical and inexpensive – and Harry fits the bill!

…although the $120 taxi fare to travel the 32 minutes to collect him was yet another ‘welcome to the prices in Iceland’ jolt…

…but I will find ways to save and splurge in good measure soon enough…

The lava landscape near the airport is extraordinary – I will explore in more detail on another day…

Hafnarfjördur itself is lovely, although with an eclectic mix of buildings…

This guesthouse (gestahús in Icelandic) has a brilliant way of letting people know the parking space belongs to them…


…complete with a guard cat! (köttur)

…and back home to rest up and then head back downstairs for dinner…


Julita is typical of the people I have met here – lovely inside and out.  I really do find Iceland such a joy – and I have basically seen nothing thus far!

Everyone here has been so very good to me and taken such good care of me – I feel ever so blessed…

There is so much I want to see and do while I am here – every one of these markers represents a new adventure – some I will be able to do, some not, but I am certain to make the very best of the time I have here…

Well, goodnight – or, góða nótt as the locals say…

~ Bella

My Viking Hunting Lodge…

As I upload this it is just after 9:00pm and I don’t know what is happening outside but there is a group of people singing an Iceland chant… magnificent!

I couldn’t have wished for better here!  It is a reflection of the quote that I have the very best there is.

My room is perfect – although photos would not do it justice – but it has everything I want, and they are arranging a mini fridge for me as well so I can get some groceries and not pay a gazillion dollars on restaurants all the time…

This is now my personal cubby hole to curl up and eat and write…

The complimentary bread and spread dish was delicious!  The bread was a little like corn bread, and the spread a little like sun dried tomato pesto… yum…

The chef made this to order for me – my body was craving grilled chicken and steamed vegetables and garlic – and hey presto!

This was also where I decided to Christen my new journal…

My grilled chicken and a bottle of average wine (as they didn’t sell wine by the glass) came to $97 USD – it was worth it tonight, but I am also very happy to be getting a mini fridge and groceries on Monday when I collect my rental car so I don’t have to pay that every night…

…and now curled back up in my room… and all is well with the world…

~ Bella

Hello Iceland!

It turns out that now even cabin bags with wheels are banned from most flights and my beloved baby Louis Vuitton had to be checked – and paid for as extra baggage… Thankfully, he arrived unscathed.

I decided to be a rebel and opt for a more elegant solution to the face mask requirement…  The woman at the check in said, “you just need another six veils!”

Upon arrival, customs decided that no one who needed wheelchair assistance through the airport would travel by themselves and not know anyone at their destination and travel with six suitcases and intend to stay for a couple of months… so we had to go through the whole rigmarole of them scanning and searching my luggage… but in the end, all was well…

The photos from the car do not do justice to the majesty of this place…

…and finally arrived at home sweet home for the next couple of months…

I was the only one in the bar, enjoying a drink before retiring to my room…

View from my room…

Breakfast the next morning…

It was a traditional cold Icelandic fare – and the pink dish is a cold beetroot and smoked haddock stew – AMAZINGLY good!

…and now time to sleep for the rest of the day!

~ Bella