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Dunfermline – Andrew Carnegie’s birthplace, Robert the Bruce’s heart’s resting place

A lovely day to explore where Andrew Carnegie grew up and where Robert the Bruce’s heart is laid to rest – the picture-postcard beautiful Dunfermline, Scotland.  These photos do not even come close to doing justice to the beauty of the village.

First, through magnificent Stirling and past historic Stirling Castle…

…past Carnegie Hall…

…detouring to visit lovely little Culross…

With so many village schools closing, I wish more philanthropists such as Mr Geddes, Esq would step up these days…

This trip was merely a pleasant drive…  On another excursion, I will actually go in and explore many of the buildings that I simply admired from the outside on this visit.

~ Bella

Leaving the stone circle, I headed to the Kilmartin Church to see the extraordinarily fine sculptured stones, ranging in date from the 900s to the 1600s. ~ Bella
Here is a peek into what life is like living on a loch - this one in particular is part of the Loch Lomond National Park. ...and by the way, there are over 30,000 lochs in Scotland! Friends boating by and coming in for a drink... Barbeques and time to…

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