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Eilean Donan Castle

If this castle looks familiar, it might be because you have seen one or more of these movies:

Early morning it was a misty start to the day, but the weather quickly cleared to be most magnificent!  Perfect for our road trip!  My dear friend Douglas and I went in search of Eilean Donan Castle…

The magical, Eilean Donan Castle…  First inhabited around the 6th century, castellated around the 13th century, and significantly damaged during the Jacobite uprising in 1719, Eilean Donan lay in ruins for the best part of 200 years until Lieutenant Colonel John MacRae-Gilstrap bought the island in 1911 and proceeded to restore the castle to its former glory. The castle was re-opened in 1932.


As a Luxurious Nomad living in the twenty-first century, whose age is in the second-half of its own century, and whose love of the late nineteen and early twentieth centuries leaves her feeling like a woman out of time, it is rather challenging to find a partner. The Season In…
For weeks, this is what it has looked like in my lovely Scotland holiday home... as I pack up to leave on the next stage of my travels... I managed to get in a final few hours in the hot tub, breathing in the scenery, thanking the tree for its…


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