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Goats, headless people, and abandoned castles…

As we were touring through the Viennese countryside and in particular the Wachau Valley, we came across quite an assortment of ‘interesting’ sights…

Yes, these are headless people, complete with a happy birthday version of ‘do not cross’ police tape…

…and a park for bees…

The leaning tower of Wachau Valley, perhaps..?

…and another abandoned castle…

…and another abandoned castle…

This was funny…  Donna went off to explore the abandoned castle and came across this fellow having trouble getting his popcorn machine over the bump – so, of course, she lent a hand… although when she attempted to use her charm and his gratitude to let her in, unfortunately the language barrier prevented a successful transaction…  🙂

Hmmmm – you may note that we are on the ‘wrong’ side of the barrier… and the lady was sooooooooooooooooooo grumpy that she had to let us out…  🙂

This is the ticket office – seriously!

…but this was only still part-way through our day-trip adventure…

~ Bella

In case you are interested, here is a snapshot of a normal day for me in Vienna... starting with the view from my window... ...then downstairs - and everything you are about to see is all within the same city block... ...I believe I showed immense intestinal fortitude to resist…
The Wachau region was inscribed as "Wachau Cultural Landscape" in the UNESCO List of World Heritage Sites in recognition of its architectural and agricultural history, and is known for its high-quality wines... ...and that is the River Danube to the left... This was funny...  According to the GPS, this is a bridge...  :-)…