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Hello Iceland!

It turns out that now even cabin bags with wheels are banned from most flights and my beloved baby Louis Vuitton had to be checked – and paid for as extra baggage… Thankfully, he arrived unscathed.

I decided to be a rebel and opt for a more elegant solution to the face mask requirement…  The woman at the check in said, “you just need another six veils!”

Upon arrival, customs decided that no one who needed wheelchair assistance through the airport would travel by themselves and not know anyone at their destination and travel with six suitcases and intend to stay for a couple of months… so we had to go through the whole rigmarole of them scanning and searching my luggage… but in the end, all was well…

The photos from the car do not do justice to the majesty of this place…

…and finally arrived at home sweet home for the next couple of months…

I was the only one in the bar, enjoying a drink before retiring to my room…

View from my room…

Breakfast the next morning…

It was a traditional cold Icelandic fare – and the pink dish is a cold beetroot and smoked haddock stew – AMAZINGLY good!

…and now time to sleep for the rest of the day!

~ Bella

My heritage-listed hotel in Shrewsbury was just delightful! ...complete with having booked the honeymoon suite - I decided I deserved it!  ...just a shame I was there alone... but at least that meant I had the whole bed to myself!  ...and it was sooooooooo comfy! Off to collect my dear…
As I upload this it is just after 9:00pm and I don't know what is happening outside but there is a group of people singing an Iceland chant... magnificent! I couldn't have wished for better here!  It is a reflection of the quote that I have the very best there…

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