Starting with a morning coffee pot…
…and along the Copper Coast Road…
…to the old mining settlement of Tankardstown…
(ref sign below) Hmmmm – OK, I’m up for a challenge! My Fiesta rental car can go just about anywhere…
I guess these guys were sharing…
Lismore Castle…
There were no signs saying one wasn’t allowed to venture down the lanes through the back of the castle property, so…
These are incredible – they look like tree stumps, but are actually huge vines! One can only ponder as to their age…
…and then home again to my lovely hotel…
A glorious day!
~ Bella

It was a gloriously sun shiny day, so I went out exploring... ...and discovered the Rock of Cashel... The Rock of Cashel was the traditional seat of the kings of Munster for several hundred years prior to the Norman invasion, and has been constructed in various phases over several hundred years... ..and back…

Time to relocate to my next 'home'... Not much to say about the relatively short trip, other than yet again the scenery was lovely... ~ Bella