Donna, Alexander and I set off for a day of exploring the Viennese countryside, but first we went hunting to find a cow and wolf playing backgammon…
“In the 15th century, Enea Silvio Bartolomeo Piccolomini, better known later in life as Pope Pius II, described all the fine houses of Vienna as being painted inside and out with fabulous scenery. Like the marginalia found in illuminated manuscripts, the houses would have featured religious and historic portraiture, along with some humorous imagery for good measure.” Source, Atlas Obscura
The painting dates approximately to 1509… Yes, FIFTEEN-O-NINE. Isn’t that amazing? Well, I think it is…
Do you recall an earlier post where Alexander and I were discussing manifesting principles and we used a Bentley – since when he finishes his studies, that is his ambition – to own a Bentley… Well, we three were in the car, again discussing manifesting Bentleys and what should cruise past us at the exact moment..?
…and so from one type of beauty to another…
This is our first destination, the home of Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand and his family before husband and wife were brutally executed…
…but for that, you need to go to the next post… 🙂
~ Bella