My birthday this year was ever so lovely. One of my dearest friends took me out for the day exploring and in search of something I haven’t had for years – fish and chips by the sea!
On our way, we spied a huge statue of a man standing in the middle of a field – as one does, I guess?
We chatted for ages about it, whether it was wooden, or cast, or what? Even zooming in, it was difficult to discern…
OK, so the tube coming out of his leg was a bit of a give-a-way…
Turns out it is called “Yoxman”, and was created by Suffolk artist Laurence Edwards. The sculpture took four years to create, beginning with a six inch high model, and is made up of 52 separate pieces.
Apparently, “It is hoped to be a beacon of local identity and a frame of reference for an evolving relationship with the landscape.”
Swimming? Seriously??? The water must have been about ‘shrivel everything degrees’ Celsius!
This (below) is my favourite shot of the day – and sums up how much fun we had – oh, and the ice-cream was delicious!
It’s not easy to tell from these photos, but there was a very strong current – we were surprised this little outboard made any progress at all.
…and time for dinner! It was so good – freshly caught, freshly cooked, great company, great view – what a fabulous birthday!
Oh, and the following two photos are not related to my birthday, but they don’t really fit anywhere else, so thought I’d put them here. The first is of one of the local birds – for some reason, he enjoys walking down the road – he does fly, so he’s not injured – he just likes to walk!
…and this is actually a photo of the moon behind that tree! It was early hours of the morning, around 2:30am-ish, and I thought I heard Ray call my name from outside my window. I woke up, opened the window to look outside – no Ray (he didn’t know anything about it until I told him later), but the most amazing moon!
All in all, this birthday was just wonderful, and one I will always remember.
~ Bella