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Plovdiv, Asen’s Fortress, Bachovo Monastery Road Trip (2 of 4)

On our way, we drove through a town whose entire reason for being is weddings!  This below is a wedding venue, and driving through the town centre, I have never seen soooooooooooo many bridal shops!

Here a bridal shop, there a bridal shop, everywhere a bridal shop!

…and then making the climb up to Asen’s Fortress…

With drops that are almost vertical, the fortress it is impregnable on three sides. It has been used since the days of the Thracians, who fortified it in the 5th century BC.

Asen’s Fortress has seen three periods of substantial construction/reconstruction – during the 9th, 11th, and 13th centuries, with the first small fortress tower being built by the Byzantines.

…time for lunch!    Click here to continue…

What a marvellous day trip!  ...all 13 hours of it...  Leaving Tsarevo on the Black Sea coast, we travelled to Plovdiv, the oldest continually-occupied city in Europe, and the fifth oldest in the world.  Older than Plovdiv are Jericho in Palestine, Byblos in Lebanon, Aleppo in Syria, and Susa in…
Welcome to Restaurant Salasha... and the best food I have had since I arrived in Bulgaria - actully, one of the best meals ever! While we were there, authorities were attempting to quell a fire that was beginning to rage through the mountainside... 22.80 lev = 11.40 € ... and…

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