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Today’s Office…

It’s a hard life when this is your office for the day…

The cruise ship, Ocean Majesty was in the harbour for a visit…

…and it’s a good thing they are not superstitious about name changes, as she has been called:

  • 1966–1985: Juan March
  • 1985–1986: Sol Christina
  • 1986–1988: Kypros Star
  • 1988–1994: Ocean Majesty
  • 1994–1995: Olympic
  • 1995: Homeric
  • 1995 onwards: Ocean Majesty

These ramps were built for the D-Day embarkation…

A city councillor in full regalia on hand to welcome the international cruise ship visitors…

…and breakfast was delicious!

…one of the crew…

The Ocean Majesty’s tender ferrying passengers to land and back to the ship…

…always something to do when one owns a boat…

OK, back to work for this Princess Pixie…  🙂

~ Bella

This year, I had the absolute best birthday ever! Starting last Sunday with Goodwood, then on my actual birthday Gillian and her daughter Ellie took me out for brunch - it was soooooo lovely and delicious! ...then cruising on one of the last horse-drawn canal boat at Tiverton... followed by…
Yesterday morning I was up when the sparrows were still in their pajamas...  Now, if you know me at all, you know I am not a morning person - so why the sudden urge to be up before dawn? This was my phone as I walked out the front door…

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