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Transalpina – “the country beyond the mountains” – post 2 of 2

Once at the top of the Transalpina, Max called in to buy supplies for our picnic… but not until we again went off-roading…

The views were truly spectacular…

…and I made the mistake of leaving my window open as we did some off-road ‘gardening’…  hmmmmm……  🙂

The crisp air at only 6 degrees C / 42 degrees F, the smell of wood fires, the happy people… it was amazing…

Max found us the most perfect picnic spot… right beside a small river…

…and the produce he acquired included Romanian wine, local fruits and vegetables, and the most aaahhhhmazing buffalo cheese!

It’s always handy to have a man around for such things…


There are literally hundreds of stray dogs everywhere in Romania, but this fellow was lovely and became my friend…

Incredible huge mushrooms…  Apparently this is Amanita muscaria, commonly known as the fly agaric.

…and the fluffy part is apparenently called its ‘fins’…

This photo, perhaps more than any other, represents the ways of the past fading into the distance as the future zooms ahead…

…guided by a very bright nearly full moon… and the sky was so clear we could also see Neptune and Saturn!

Then home sweet home, back to Bucharest… and to find in my inbox the photo of a cake that a dear friend made for my birthday!  Hmmmm, it’s in America so I guess I will have to just imagine how good it tasted!  But the thought meant ever so much…

Such a perfect end to my birthday week!

~ Bella


My dear friend, Max, and I set out on Sunday morning for what ended up being over 13 hour road trip from Bucharest, and along the Transalpina Road... ...passing the largest chemical factory in Romania... There is something about wells that I find so beautiful... This is a traditional Romanina…
I needed to run an errand, so walking out through the beautiful reception in my glorious, historic hotel... ...and down the street past a sign that I think was meant to mean two-for-one, but didn't quite get the message across... ...past one of many hookah bars... ...had a delicious, leisurely…

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