…around the bend, and what do we find..?
There’s a bear right there!
A momma and her two cubs…
A few years ago, I did the Transfăgărășan Road with my friend, Adrian, however this was a far as we could get on that trip… Why? On that trip, it was literally buried under a mountain of snow!
Now, time for lunch… at what felt like the edge of the earth…

Technically, my birthday was on the Monday, but I decided to make it a long weekend... Starting with waking up to this beautiful spectacle...... Bliss! ...and my major destination... The incredible Transfăgărășan Road! ...but we will get to that soon enough... Happy Birthday to me! Part of…

My friend Florin knew of an amzing place for lunch... Where? Right next to the road, perched on the edge of the cliff! Lunch at the edge of the world... Yes, if you look to the left, and it looks like a looooooong way down - it is!!! …
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