I have been having soooooo much fun playing with images, video, 360-degree, and virtual reality!
As you would have seen in my last post, I simply put a bunch of images together as a video and attached some music – nothing too experimental there!
…and here is a very basic animated gif of some of my favourite images from that post – again, nothing too leading-edge in that (although useful for Twitter!)…
But now I’m feeling really creative and have even invested in a 360-degree camera. It won’t arrive until I get to Vienna, but stay tuned for what I expect will be some very cool stuff (that’s a technical word). 🙂
In the meantime, I am experimenting with images such as the one at the top (that started life as a panorama of Castle Hill in Budapest) and these below – the first is the basic image I took on one of the world’s oldest Ferris Wheels in Vienna – and the second is that same image turned into an almost 360-degree tour – just move the image around with your mouse!
So, this first one is the normal panorama image:
…and this (below) is your very own tour of what it looked like from up there! Just move your mouse (or finger if you are using a phone or touch tablet), and move the image to your heart’s content!
…and here is one more experimentation – I made this from a photo I took of lake when I was in Romania…
…and now with the ability to pan through the already distorted image with your mouse/finger:
OK, off to have some more fun!
~ Bella