Heavenly private flight from Ireland to England

For several reasons, I decided to treat myself to a private flight from Ireland to England – and I could not have been more delighted with my choice… Arriving at the private lounge… …am then taken to my very own conference room to await my flight… The captain came in… Read more

Stanford study supports working from home

As you know, I have been living the life of a digital nomad for several years.  While not traditionally a ‘work from home’ life (since I don’t really have a ‘home’ anymore), there are many similarities between the life I live, and that experienced by those who have a more… Read more

Today’s Office…

It’s a hard life when this is your office for the day… The cruise ship, Ocean Majesty was in the harbour for a visit… …and it’s a good thing they are not superstitious about name changes, as she has been called: 1966–1985: Juan March 1985–1986: Sol Christina 1986–1988: Kypros Star 1988–1994: Ocean Majesty 1994–1995: Olympic… Read more

My ‘Office’ on The River Thames

There are worse places to sit and work for the day than on the dock of an historic hotel, beside the River Thames… Fluffy river companion…  (I do miss having a fluffy companion – one of the drawbacks of this amazing lifestyle…) Sitting here, working away – the river provided… Read more


Luxurious Nomad Luxury Skin Care for Pennies!

I had a most delightful conversation yesterday with a lovely waitress at one of my ‘local watering holes’ where I eat, drink and work. She is a beautiful young woman of twenty-five – and when we were joking about her being a quarter of a century, she was astonished when… Read more