Ostia, here I come!
My wonderful limousine company picked me up from the lovely hotel in which I stayed while in Vienna and deposited me at Wien Hauptbahnhof, more commonly known as Wien HBF – the main train station in Vienna.
…and btw, those of us old enough to know what it means to “spend a penny” will appreciate this… One needs to exchange money for the convenience, however the penny now needs to be 50 cents! Talk about inflation! 🙂
Now up to the platform to await my train… along with a gazillion teenagers.
According to Rail Europe, one’s carriage and room is clearly marked… Me thinks the word “clearly” was lost in translation somewhere as the only indication of which carriage was which were small stickers on the inside window of the carriage doors… (so you can imagine the scrambling over one another that was occurring as everyone was attempting to find their allotaced conveyance) – and once on the correct carriage, my ticket said my room was number 11. The only problem with that was that there were only eight rooms on the carriage…
Minor technicality I thought – only to have the steward tell me that 11 didn’t really mean 11 – it mean 1. Of course, I should have known that (not!).
So, now safely curled up in room 11 or 1, we set off… Auf wiedersehen, Wien!
In my room awaiting me were the newspaper (and a very cute baby giraffe on the cover!)…
…some slippers, a towel, and some goodies…
…and a bottle of Prosecco!
After we were underway for about 20 minutes, the steward came by, took my breakfast order and made up my bed – that I have to say was VERY comfortable!
Once I found where everything was located and settled in, I curled up early and listened to the beginning of “The Shack” audio-book. One of my clients told me how much she enjoyed the movie and I figure, unless I want to see it in the cinema in Italian, it will be some time before it comes out on-demand – so to the book I went.
Eventually, I turned everything off and curled up to a better-than-expected sleep. I love trains (particularly steam trains, but I didn’t see any that went between Vienna and Rome so…) and I find something soothing in the sound and rocking…
That is, until 1:20AM when the train skidded (literally) to a halt, throwing me into the wall (thankfully I wasn’t facing the other direction or I would have ended up on the ground) and my bags skidding across the floor!
Almost immediately everything went silent – no motors, no sound of air conditioner… Nothing.
I thought we might have hit a cow or something and as I opened the blind, was expecting to see black nothingness on the other side.
Instead, I saw what looked like some type of maintenance stop.
We were there for about 15 minutes before the motors and air conditioner etc restarted – and then another 5 minutes or so before we again started off…
No idea what happened, but we ended up arriving in Roma 20 minutes late so me thinks this was not a scheduled stop…
Morning breaks and I see out of my window scenes stereotypical of Italy…
…and then – breakfast in bed!
About forty minutes later, we arrive in Rome…
…oh, and I don’t know if you can make them out, but there are beautiful vines all over the building in the background…
Now, this photo below is not what it seems… It looks like the cars are waiting for that man to cross the road. HARDLY!!! Crossing the road here is like playing Frogger! It just so happens, both vehicles were stopped to let people in/out/whatever…
…and yes, they are automatic weapons they are carrying…
My limo driver and I had a little difficulty finding each other – especially as he spoke very little English and I have yet to get a handle on Italian – but we eventually connected and then off we set for Ostia…
…driving through Rome, there are nuns everywhere!
Founded during ‘my time’ (LOL!), Ostia was established in 1884 next to the remains of Ostia Antica – the original port city of ancient Rome.
This, below, is a shot of where my apartment is – right in the heart of everything and literally 100 meters or so from the sea…
This is the view from the front door of my building – and I feel the bar next door will become one of my favourite spots… second only to my balcony here in the penthouse where I look forward to curling up for hours and writing…
Below is said balcony – currently devoid of furniture as there was a big storm recently so the owner put everything out of harm’s way – that is, after one of the tables literally blew off the roof!
View from my balcony… It’s not massive, but I like it.
The bathroom has a spa-type feel…
Downstairs, literally around the corner is the local butcher…
This is a shot of the next-door bar from around the corner…
Turns out Saturday is marketS day – that is market plural… You turn a corner – there is another market. You walk a few hundred yards – another market!
From what I have seen thus far, Ostia is overall not what I would call a pretty place – it wears its challenges, grime, and litter very openly… but on the other hand, it is extremely vibrant – and there are pockets that are stunningly beautiful.
This is the market to which I am headed next Saturday to do my weekly vegetable shopping! …and I couldn’t find anywhere near where I was in Vienna that had natural organic massage oil… Hey presto! …and my first transaction conducted entirely in Italian (as the stall holders did not speak a word of English).
Now, you might think this Mercedes is driving through the intersection – yes? No – he is parked.
This little white zot is turning left, yes? No – he is parked as well.
Perhaps the driver of this yellow thing is sitting there waiting for someone? No – they are parked just like the ones further up the street.
…and yet another optical illusion that people give way at crossings… The cars closest to me – parked. The cars furthest away – parked. The white on in the middle? Stopped to let someone out.
…and finally, a lovely restaurant for lunch (even if they do have very uppity staff and are over-priced)… but since they are so close to home and so beautiful, I will probably be back…
Not sure what I ordered (LOL) but I know it was fish (that much I could translate) and it tasted like a cross between tuna and pork – with the consistency of swordfish. It was delicious – or make that, delizioso!
…and now I am safely back in casa mia…
Wishing you a truly glorious weekend, my Friends!
~ Bella