Our next destination is Snagov Monastery, located on an island at the northern end of Snagov Lake…
…but first a short detour to another monastery…
…and a bite of lunch…
This is my friend, Adrian…
…and it’s a good thing Adrian knew where he was going – finding this place was quite the adventure!
There has been a church on this island since at least the 11th century, when Mircea cel Bătrân first built a wooden structure, with the monastery being added in the late 14th century during the reign of King Dan I (1383–1386).
The banks of the lake are fully of amazing houses belonging to what the Romanian’s refer to as “new money”.
The remains of the prison (behind the present-day church) can still be seen.
…and time to head back to the hotel, for tomorrow is another day of exploring…
~ Bella

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