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Linlithgow Palace

Birthplace of Mary, Queen of Scots, Linlithgow Palace and”once a majestic royal residence of the Stewarts, Linlithgow Palace today lies roofless and ruined. Yet entering the palace gates still inspires awe in visitors.

James I ordered work on a palace to begin in 1424, following a fire that severely damaged the earlier residence. The elegant, new ‘pleasure palace’ became a welcome rest stop for royals on the busy road between Edinburgh Castle and Stirling Castle.

The Stewart queens especially liked the peace and fresh air, and Linlithgow Palace served as the royal nursery for:

  • James V – born 1512
  • Mary Queen of Scots – born 1542
  • Princess Elizabeth – born 1596

But the palace fell quickly into decline when James VI moved the royal court to London in 1603, following his coronation as James I of England.” [Historic Scotland]

…and my camera decided to have a life of its own but thought I would include the photos so you can see what a glorious day it was and such a lovely view from the vehicle…


…back past the Kelpies…

…and home for a dip in the spa…  Not a bad day, all in all…  🙂

~ Bella


I have been to several film locations for the 'Outlander' production, and Blackness Castle is yet another. ...but first past the enormous horse head sculpture know as the Kelpies... This 15th century fortress provided the setting in 'Outlander' for the Fort William headquarters of Black Jack Randall, as well as…
Never a dull day here loch-side... ~ Bella  

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