From Graz, we made our way to Thal, birthplace of Arnold Schwarzenegger…
– but first, a leisurely lunch beside Thalersee lake… where apparently Arnold proposed to Maria in a small row boat…
…and then… I certainly was not prepared for what we found when we reached Arnold’s childhood home…
Last I checked, Arnold wasn’t a transformer, but…..
This (below) is the house in which he grew up with his entire family occupying just the second floor – and with no electricity, and no running water…
The surrounding area seems to have changed little since he lived here…
…and now on to our next stop… The world-famous Lipizzaner Stud Farm!
~ Bella

Anyone who has seen "Under the Tuscan Sun" (or if you are like me and have seen it so many times you could just about recite the entire script), will recognise the following: Martini: Signora, between Austria and Italy, there is a section of the Alps called the Semmering. It…

...and now we head to the Lipizzaner Stud Farm in Piber, Austria - and being a horsey-girl, this was such an incredible treat! Most know of the famous Spanish Riding Horses, but waht few realise is the breed, Lipizzaner, is Europe’s oldest cultural horse breed, with their origin going back…