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(Another) carriage ride through Vienna

On my bucket list, you will note that one of the entries is owning a landau (convertible carriage) and horse, with a driver on hand.  I would SOOO love to have that, and would use it as my main source of travel for most things locally.

…and as no trip to Vienna is complete without a horse-drawn carriage trip, I treated Donna to a gloriously long ride through the city (ok, so it was probably more of a treat for me!)  🙂

Contented, happy sigh…

~ Bella

Donna and I went in search of one historic location, and ended up finding another... This is the Schmetterlinghaus - Butterfly House! Just lovely! ~ Bella
Another of the items on my bucket list, was to have a Sacher Torte at the world-famous Sacher Hotel... ...so, on the way home, that's exactly what we did! As we walked home past the Opera House, the people were already getting settled for the free public viewing that evening...…