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British Horological Institute aka Museum of Timekeeping

I love old clocks and so have been wanting to go to this museum for such a long time BUT it is only open for five months of the year, only on Fridays, and only between 11:00am and 3:00pm – and given that it is a six-hour drive from my little piece of Heaven in Scotland, the opportunities were slim indeed…

However, on this trip I decided to finally arrange things so I could visit this glorious museum – and I was not disappointed.

~ Bella

Here is a peek into what life is like living on a loch - this one in particular is part of the Loch Lomond National Park. ...and by the way, there are over 30,000 lochs in Scotland! Friends boating by and coming in for a drink... Barbeques and time to…
Houghton House today is the shell of a 17th-century mansion commanding magnificent views, reputedly the inspiration for the ‘House Beautiful’ in John Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress. It was built around 1615 for Mary, Dowager Countess of Pembroke, in a mixture of Jacobean and Classical styles: the ground floors of two Italianate…

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