Over the past couple of days, I haven’t ventured more than a couple of hundred feet from the hotel, but regardless they have been truly lovely days!
I have never been one to have a ‘routine’ – be it morning or any other time – however, here I now do have a morning routine…
Each morning when I wake, I open the window (yes, it is currently minus something degrees, but it is so refreshing!), and I observe life below.
For instance, this morning, I was fascinated by a car that managed to get out of a tight parking space by seeming not to care/notice that each move forward and backward connected with the car in front and behind (reminds me of Italy!)…
Or the young man in a suit who was briskly walking along, one hand in his pocket, and continually glancing fervently behind him… He reached the end of the block, turned around, and then ran back to where he started, still with one hand in his pocket…
While there are no images of my window-based storyboard in this video, here is a sneak peek of life in general:
It’s funny, while there I was thinking, “I wonder if there are any other ATMs close to here or if I have to go back up to the cash centre”. Sure enough, as I was having that thought, I heard the distinctive sounds of a cash machine in the Thai restaurant! Well, technically it was outside, but the box all the money and machine lives in was literally about 20 feet away from me!
On the way back to the hotel, I called into the small supermarket (again, only about five or six doors from the hotel) and picked up some wonderful sliced meats, cheese, and a lovely bottle of Cabernet Franc wine… and I think I could just about live in the fresh bread section – the redolence alone was enough to whisk one off on clouds of gastronomic and aromatic splendour…
One of the benefits of Hungary is that the US dollar goes a long way.
My lovely bottle of Cabernet Franc? $2.81 USD. Correct – two dollars and eighty one cents!
OK, well, I had best get back to work…
Sending love and smiles to all…
~ Bella