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Category: Iceland

Iceland Road Trip – homeward bound…

…and finally homeward bound…

This is actually a gas station!   (just the pump – the shed is locked)

Notice the incredible cloud bank sitting on the horizon…

…and back in time for dinner where this cool character was my dining companion…

~ Bella

Santa’s Icelandic Retreat

…and I discovered why Santa was hitchhiking…  He has a retreat in Iceland…

These next two photos cracked me up – perhaps someone had trouble with the brakes???  🙂

This entire place made me smile…

~ Bella

Hearts in Akureyri

Quirky as it may be, one of the things I wanted to see were the ‘Hearts in Akureyri’ traffic lights!

…and I saw Santa hitchhiking along the way…  Btw, I did see a lot of hitchhikers and with only one exception, they were all girls in their twenties.

~ Bella

Lake Mývatn



Why the photo of the planking that leads to reception?  Because some silly bunny made the spaces between the boards just the right size to trap the wheels on suitcases…….  The receptionist said every single day someone gets caught…

Sign in the bathroom…………  hmmmmmm………..

Oh, yes…  for some strange reason, despite me playing different songs in iTunes, or listening to podcasts or a book on Audible – almost every time I turn the car on, this is what decided to play on my phone!

I found it extraordinary on many occasions just how SILENT it was……..  Not a peep……………

…and on the entire trip, I only saw one piece of trash – an empty can – just one!

~ Bella