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Farewell Romania – Hello England!

Leaving beautiful Romania… but going to equally beautiful England…  I wasn’t expecting to visit Great Britain again for some time, but restrictions changing made this the best next destination for me… By the way, I have ceased calling the area “the United Kingdom”, as they haven’t felt all that ‘united’ for some time – but I prefer “Great Britain” anyway… it harks back to ‘my’ era of the late Victorian and Edwardian eras…

So, on to my journey…

I love how these clouds actually follow the landscape!  If there are any meteorologists reading this post, please reach out and tell me why this is so…  Thanks!

Champagne breakfast… Delightful…

After staring at and play with this “coat hoot” button for ages, I finally asked the man in the seat near me if he knew how it worked…  This lead to a wonderful conversation with my fellow traveller – a fascinating man who is a multi-talented artist in several disciplines, and turned out to be very much a kindred spirit… and yes, he did help me get it sorted!  (one turns then pulls, if you are ever in need of a coat hook)

Arrived at Heathrow for a four-hour layover… and was fascinated by yet another button… this time a supposedly “self-cleaning” elevator button…  really………….?  The sweet man pushing my wheelchair said as far as he knew it was the same button that had always been there – just now with a sticker above it…  Hmmmmm…

…a view of times gone by………

…and arrival at my beautiful hotel…  I am here just for a week or so to get settled and sorted, then have rented a pretty little cottage for the duration of my stay…

The staff here are ever so lovely – and it’s like being in an old-fashioned family sit-com… they are hilarious and just wonderful…

…and the view from my balcony… bliss!

~ Bella

Shrewsbury to Heathrow

My heritage-listed hotel in Shrewsbury was just delightful!

…complete with having booked the honeymoon suite – I decided I deserved it!  …just a shame I was there alone… but at least that meant I had the whole bed to myself!  …and it was sooooooooo comfy!

Off to collect my dear friend, Karen, from the train station…

…and back to have dinner, drinks…

…and get bitten by a spider!

The following day we checked out and headed to Heathrow Airport…

Upon arrival at the Sheraton at Heathrow where I spent my final night, after a last minute reshuffle of a few things in my luggage… this is now what the contents of my life looks like!

The terminal itself was still buzzing, but it was strange to see so many British Airways planes parked all over the place…

Farewell Britain…  I love you!

I don’t think I will ever get the hang of Icelandic!  It may be Icelandic an Indo-European language, belonging to the group of North Germanic languages, but I have yet to find any ‘Germanic’ onto which I can base my understanding…  Oh well… another adventure.  I did bring an Icelandic dictionary and intend to learn at least some basics while I am here…

Hello Iceland!

~ Bella

Farewell to the UK

All packed and ready for another adventure, this time to the Riviera del Brenta in Italy.

My flight departed from Edinburgh, so I decided to stay a couple of days in Dalmahoy, a lovely 18th century mansion – also where James VI of Scotland (who became James I of England) stayed in 1589 in the castle that was on the site before the current building.

…and I had booked one of their prettiest rooms – only to find when I arrive that it is at the top of the oldest part of the hotel and there is no elevator (look down and down and down at those staircases)……………  oh, well…  I just had to consider it part of my physio…  🙂

Friday was a bit wet and dreary, and since there were three movies at the cinema I wanted to see and the nearest cinema was one of the type with comfy armchairs – I decided to see them all!

‘Judy’ – followed by ‘Ad Astra’ – followed by ‘Downton Abbey’.

…and home in time for cocktails…

At the airport, there was pandemonium when it was announced that only one piece of hand luggage was allowed…

Flying over the River Forth…

…and buongiorno Italia…


Picked up my rental car and stayed overnight at a cute little family-run place just near Lake Como… but more on that in my next post…

~ Bella

Exploring Ayrshire

Even more ‘Outlander’ locations on this lovely drive through Ayrshire…

Btw, I don’t know if you can tell from the photos, but these speed ‘bumps’ are about 10″ high!!!

Dunure Harbour and Castle…

In ‘Outlander’, the little harbour in the village of Dunure in Ayrshire stood in for Ayr Harbour as Claire and Jamie left Scotland in pursuit of Young Ian. Less than a mile away is Dunure Castle that featured as Silkie Island in season three. The harbour featured again in season four, where Brianna and Roger were reunited in Wilmington, North Carolina.

~ Bella

Linlithgow Palace

Birthplace of Mary, Queen of Scots, Linlithgow Palace and”once a majestic royal residence of the Stewarts, Linlithgow Palace today lies roofless and ruined. Yet entering the palace gates still inspires awe in visitors.

James I ordered work on a palace to begin in 1424, following a fire that severely damaged the earlier residence. The elegant, new ‘pleasure palace’ became a welcome rest stop for royals on the busy road between Edinburgh Castle and Stirling Castle.

The Stewart queens especially liked the peace and fresh air, and Linlithgow Palace served as the royal nursery for:

  • James V – born 1512
  • Mary Queen of Scots – born 1542
  • Princess Elizabeth – born 1596

But the palace fell quickly into decline when James VI moved the royal court to London in 1603, following his coronation as James I of England.” [Historic Scotland]

…and my camera decided to have a life of its own but thought I would include the photos so you can see what a glorious day it was and such a lovely view from the vehicle…


…back past the Kelpies…

…and home for a dip in the spa…  Not a bad day, all in all…  🙂

~ Bella


Blackness Castle – another Outlander filming location

I have been to several film locations for the ‘Outlander’ production, and Blackness Castle is yet another.

…but first past the enormous horse head sculpture know as the Kelpies…

This 15th century fortress provided the setting in ‘Outlander’ for the Fort William headquarters of Black Jack Randall, as well as featuring in the heart-wrenching scene of Jamie’s incarceration.

In Mary Queen of Scots (2018), starring Saoirse Ronan and Margot Robbie, Blackness Castle featured as the Palace of Holyroodhouse, the place where she married Lord Darnley and where her secretary and good friend David Rizzio was murdered.

~ Bella

Lady Penelope’s Doctor

Lady Penelope, my beloved Baby Jaguar, is going in for some TLC while I am in Europe – and when I went to visit her ‘doctor’, this is what greeted me!

…and then I spied a 1949 Rolls Royce Silver Wraith – and not just any old Rolls Royce – this one was previously owned by Grace Kelly!

Fancy an VW Beetle limousine, anyone?

~ Bella

There’s no place like home…

Leaving glorious Albright Hussey Manor, my beloved Baby Jaguar and I headed north and ‘home’ to Scotland…

…and finally arriving in the Loch Lomond National Park – btw, Loch Lomond is the largest lake in Great Britain by surface area, and the second largest next to Loch Ness for volume – and I call the area ‘home’.

Back home sweet home with Edward the Eagle (still mid-way through restoration)…

~ Bella