A beautiful morning to head off yet again through the French countryside – that, by the way, smells continually like hot, squished grapes in the sun…
…and down this small lane is my accommodation for the night… A medieval water mill and command post of the Knights Templar…
~ Bella

Finally, my time comes to leave Munich and I get a car to the airport where I collect my rental... Meet Clio - my companion for the next few days... Dear Clio did her best, but anything over 150 she felt decidedly unstable... I did however manage to get to…

...further along this road, I arrived at my lodgings for the night... Formerly a command post for the Knights Templar... From their website: Moulin Banal: former name of the Moulin des Templiers In 1167 next to the river is located the Moulin Banal (attached to the Commandery of Knights Templar…