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Cherbourg to Ireland

I was in Cherbourg for almost a week…

…and while these closer photos look quite clear, for the first couple of days, the air was such that you could even taste it…  ick…

…made for great sunsets, though…

…and finally off to the terminal to board the boat to Ireland…

It is a little difficult to make out, but this man was taking AWAY the life preservers…

…and even walking off with the hooked stick thingummy that fishes stuff (and people) out of the water…  Doesn’t exactly instill one with confidence!  🙂

After a restful night’s crossing, I awoke to fresh air, blue skies, and land in sight…

Welcome to Ireland!

~ Bella


Well, this is obviously not my hotel 🙂 but rather a military installation... THIS is my hotel, however when I arrived, I discovered it was CLOSED!  Thankfully, there was a member of staff nearby who told me that I should have an email from them...  Well, actually, it was more…
It was a lovely day, so I decided to go for a drive to find Healy Pass... Once I took this turn, I saw a total of four cars in the space of well over an hour... Apart from the goats, one felt totally alone up there... ~ Bella