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Dracula’s Castle in Scotland

Dracula’s Castle in Scotland?  No, to the best of my knowledge, Count Dracula didn’t visit the north east coast of Scotland, but…

Slains Castle, a captivating ruin nestled on the cliffs of Cruden Bay, holds a fascinating connection to Bram Stoker’s iconic character, Dracula.

While it is documented that Stoker never visited Transylvania, it was during his stay in Cruden Bay in 1894 that he is said to have drawn inspiration from the dramatic and tempestuous appearance of Slains Castle during a storm.

Although the road leading to the castle ruins was closed, here at least is a glimpse of the castle…

~ Bella

The Bullers of Buchan is about 6 miles south of Peterhead where I have been staying, in Aberdeenshire, Scotland.  The collapsed sea cave forms a circular chasm known as "the pot," that plunges about 30 meters deep and is adorned with a natural archway through which the sea rushes in.…
Most people know of the iconic red phone boxes in Britain, but few realise that, at least in Scotland, a number of them are now being used as libraries! ~ Bella

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