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Exploring Tsarevo and Surrounds… 2 of 3


This is a traditional Bulgaria house – and was built in the 1800s!

As we began down this road, I was ever so pleased my driver had second thoughts and turned around……

It is interesting that in this whole part of the world, older people sit outside their fence and watch the world go by…  occasionally talking to passers-by they know…  In this case, the man looks like he was a worker from somewhere, but still, he just sat…

Even in the remotest village, we saw coffee vending machines everywhere!

This was where it became a little scarier…  This group of gypsy youth – the ones toward the end of the street – were brandishing rifles…  They would have been no more than 14 years of age.

…and here began the off-roading portion of our journey!

…continued in the next post

On Friday I hired a driver to take me around the local area for a couple of hours, as well as to run some errands, buy a local SIM card, get some groceries etc. First, though, here are some photos from earlier in the week... ...and now to my day…
...continued... ...and a gelato - just what was needed! A snail house?     This was once the Communist leader's beach retreat area... ...and this is Sophia, the rose bush I bought.  She now lives on my balcony, we chat each morning when I give her a drink... ...and back…

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