On Friday I hired a driver to take me around the local area for a couple of hours, as well as to run some errands, buy a local SIM card, get some groceries etc.
First, though, here are some photos from earlier in the week…
…and now to my day trip… By the way, to give you an idea, this is the road from the hotel – not exactly a major city!
…it is not visible from here, but to the right of the van heading away from us is a sheer drop!
Hmmmm… Interesting place to park a boat trailer… There are small trees growing through it!
This little boy was soooo cute – he was playing peek-a-boo with me…
…and while on first glance, that might look like a peddle car… NO! When his mother came out, he put it in reverse, backed up, straightened up, put it in forward gear, and took off!!! Sooooooooo cool!
It’s funny, it was about here I thought… Here I am by myself with a Bulgarian driver I don’t know, in a forest in Bulgaria, with no other traffic, and with no cell coverage… LOL! …but I am glad I trusted my instincts that all was well, and we had a delightful journey.
…continued in the next post…