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Farewell to my beloved Vienna – hello Germany…

I knew the day would come…  Farewell to my beautiful Vienna…  Although I do not want to live there, I would love to visit a couple of times every year – perhaps have a home in Scotland and one in Vienna…  Hmmmmm, that’s a lovely idea!  🙂

Our driver picked us up from our respective hotels and off we set…

Our first stop was going to be Melk Abbey, however …

Let’s just say actually getting there was proving more of a challenge that it was worth…

…so, we headed off again and waved to it from the highway…

…and headed back up into the Alps…

…and that was just the beginning of our journey…

~ Bella



For dinner, we went to das Loft with the most extraordinary views over Vienna... not to mention the delicious food! I think Donna was wishing the waiter was on the menu...  🙂 Then home to my beautiful Hotel Bristol for a nightcap... ...and the tail end of the opera... A…
If you have been following my travels for many years, you may recall an event I went to when I lived in Charleston, where I met Robert Edsel, the author of the "Monuments Men" book, as well as several of the people who starred in the film, such as Bill…