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Friendly Invasion

The aircraft carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth paid us a visit, just a little way along Loch Long from my holiday home…

What was also interesting was the amount of air cover we had during that time – and afterward…  chinooks, just about every type of jet you can image that is in the British (and some American, apparently) arsenal…


Out for a drive to see what I could find... and in this case it was not finding a castle that apparently one can get to, but somehow I ended up driving through some fellow's property by mistake (Google said I could! LOL!)... anyway... I did find the Preston Mill…
It was a lovely brisk 1 degree C (33 degrees F) as I set out to cross a bridge over the Atlantic! Technically, it is known as Clachan Bridge, and because the Clachan Sound connects to the Atlantic Ocean at both ends, meaning it has Altantic Ocean water flowing through…

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