After driving from Windsor to Aylesbury…
…I crossed a bridge and entered heaven!
Built in the 17th century, Hartwell House (my new London residence) is most famous as the home of exiled French King Louis XVIII in the early 19th century.
The 90 acres (36 ha) of gardens at Hartwell were laid out by Capability Brown c.1750, with the North Avenue, a grand vista through trees, planted in 1830.
Everything about this place is magical!
~ Bella

"In medieval times, King Edward III was so inspired by tales of King Arthur and the chivalry of the Knights of the Round Table that he set up his own group of honourable knights, called the Order of the Garter. Nearly 700 years later, the Order is the oldest and…

Another item checked off my rather extensive bucket list - attending Royal Ascot, in the Royal Enclosure nonetheless, thanks to an invitation from my dear friend, Noreen. It was a glorious day, but I will let the photos tell the story... ~ Bella