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Iceland Ring Road Adventure – the beginning…

Leaving home (aka my lovely hotel where everyone is taken such wonderful care of me), first stop is filling up the gas tank…

Since anything within about a 3-4 hour radius of the hotel was doable for a day trip or two, I decided to essentially drive for about four hours straight and come back to those destinations I passed on another trip.

This post is mostly just the glorious scenery along the way…

In the middle of nowhere, a half-naked man on one side of the road, yelling at a man on the other side of the road…  Strange…


Núpsstaður Turf Church and ancillary farm buildings…

Next stop, Skeiðará Bridge Monument:  http://luxuriousnomad.com/skeidara-bridge-monument/

~ Bella

Leaving Stykkishólmur, we went in search of a giant padlock and, as in the words of Supertramp, we took the long way home... but didn't realise just what that meant at the time... From stunning green fields, we enter the lava fields...  They were extraordinary! Another thing that is amazing…
When the Vatnajökull volcano erupted in 1996, the 880-metre-long (2,890 ft) bridge was damaged by icebergs the size of houses that had broken off and floated down and across the plains... Thankfully, no one was killed when the bridge was destroyed... ...and this monument is all that remains... Hofskirkja Turf…

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