Out and about again in northern Ireland (as in the north or the Republic of Ireland, not Northern Ireland)…
Managed to spy these beauties while I was at a gas station…
What every round-a-bout needs – an unused entrance to a castle…
…and this magnificent tree is Ireland’s oldest – and is a relative of the majestic Angel Oak in America. (hmmmm, note to self: need to upload those older photos to the site!)
Then off to find this extraordinary set of buildings…
…and back to the splendour of the Victorian-era Grand Hotel…
…and heading out to explore the local area…
Obviously the person who wrote this sign was having a bad day on the scales…
~ Bella

It was such a lovely day so I decided simply on a direction, with no real destination in mind - other than I had chosen where I wanted to end the day for an early dinner... I find this climbing rose absolutely captivating - and look at the size of…

It was a lovely excursion to find the Rock of Dunamase - and such a peaceful area. There has been occupation on the Rock since the 9th century, but this castle dates from the 12th. You can read about the fascinating history of the Rock here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunamase I was fascinated by…