Home » Blog (All Posts) » The world is reopening its doors and that means its time for me to leave…

The world is reopening its doors and that means its time for me to leave…

As of June 15th, 2020, much of Europe will re-open borders and begin to re-open hotels and the like…

…and so for me, that means it is time to consider ‘where next’?

I have decided the next stop on my Luxurious Nomad life will be Iceland for three months – August to October.

…but first, the job of deciding what now fits into my luggage for me to navigate this ‘new world’ – and the rest goes back into storage.

What to pack?

Not only personal items as a result of the Coronavirus (hand sanitisers etc), but also now a full mobile audio/video recording studio I have created – they all need to fit into my beloved Hartmann suitcases and my equally beloved Louis tote.

…AND… in a moment of insanity, I enrolled to do an MBA in Entrepreneurship and Innovation PLUS several classes at Harvard, Babson, and MIT – and to do it all in ONE YEAR!

Soooooo, that means I now also need to cart about twelve text books around with me, as well as folders for my notes etc etc etc…

But – that’s where shipping services come in handy.

I will go into more detail in the coming weeks as I pack and share tips etc…

For now, it is back to enjoying a magnificently peaceful day here beside the Loch…

~ Bella

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