I had a most delightful conversation yesterday with a lovely waitress at one of my ‘local watering holes’ where I eat, drink and work.
She is a beautiful young woman of twenty-five – and when we were joking about her being a quarter of a century, she was astonished when I told her I was in the second half of my century!
What ensued was a discussion on my skin care products and regime, and when I told her it involves basically two items – that are natural and affordable – she wanted to know more… and she is not the only one. I have had that almost identical conversation with at least a dozen people over the past six months or so…
So, here is my luxury skin care ‘secret’!
Bearing in mind that I travel all over the world, so I want to make sure I have the minimal amount of ‘stuff’ to cart around, given that I already have eight suitcases that my luggage concierge picks up and drops off when I move from one amazing location to the next.
Luxury Skin Care Cleanser
What surprises most women with whom I discuss this is that I use the same product for cleansing both face and body!
Kirk’s Soap has been produced without interruption for nearly 175 years – and being the Victorian-era-loving girl that I am, that adds to its appeal.
“Castile” originally referred to the highly-prized vegetable based soap produced in Castile, Spain. For centuries this soap was considered “the soap of royalty” because of its luxurious lather and gentleness to the skin.
I simply use a face scrubber pad (like the one in this image) and the soap for my face and upper body – and since I have mobility/flexibility challenges, I have a long-handled bath body brush that I use to exfoliate my legs – all with the castile soap!
You can find it on Amazon here: http://amzn.to/2kwVfNC
Luxury Skin Care Moisturizer
What is equally surprising for people, is that I also use the one product to moisturize both face and body AND the ends of my hair AND to do a deep treatment on my hair every few weeks!
You can read more about Argan Oil here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Argan_oil – it is quite fascinating!
You might think an ‘oil’ would be greasy, but this one is silky-smooth…
I love it! – and a little goes a long way.
Again, all natural ingredients, and this one is certified organic.
You can find it on Amazon here: http://amzn.to/2khiWIx
So, before you think you have to spend a fortune to get quality luxury skin care products that work, check out these two fabulous staples in my Luxurious Nomad life.
~ Bella