An extraordinary outing – going for a walk to find the Museum of Leonardo da Vinci – and the museum was only part of the extraordinary day!
It began with calling in to a pharmacy on the way – that was operating as a pharmacy before Leonardo da Vinci was even born!!
Here is the video, if you would like to view that, or continue to scroll down for the individual photos and some commentary:
Just imagine… These were the same buildings that Leonardo da Vince would have possibly walked past… The shops are obviously different, but much of the architecture would have been exactly as he would have seen it.
Lots of cool ‘retro’…
…even this fellow with his old camera…
Wandering the streets, looking at the details, listening to music winding its way through the streets…
That’s the famous Duomo… I haven’t been there yet – so more on that at another time…
It started raining, so I took shelter and had a bite of lunch…
…and more confusing numbers – this time it’s number 41 next to number 93 – oh, well, as long as the postman understands it, I guess…
Just as I was finishing, the sun came back out!
Florence’s Museum of Leonardo da Vinci 
This place was mind-blowingly incredible!
Oh, and I thought it was fascinating that the documentary they had playing in the background in this (below) room, was the exact same one that I watched the night before in preparation for my visit! (
About to head home, and I was looking up at the building opposite the museum. Looking in through one of the open windows, it was fascinating to see the bare wood – the timbers most likely date back to the 15th century…
~ Bella