It was a lovely day so Lady Penelope (my beloved baby Jaguar) and I went topless (well, she was topless) and we went exploring through Shropshire with no specific destination – just to see where the day took us…
Deciding to revert to GPS, I programmed in the address of the manor house and the navigation sent us on a bit of a wild goose chase…
…that ended up at a farmer’s gate!
Hmmmm, perhaps that should have been ‘wild sheep case’!
~ Bella

First recorded in the Doomsday book in 1292 (yes, that's twelve ninety-two!), this amazing manor house was rebuilt in 1524... ...and when one enters a property, passes a lovely water feature, and a few horses... and walks into a beautiful building to find a 'free wifi' sign and help-yourself decanters on…

Leaving glorious Albright Hussey Manor, my beloved Baby Jaguar and I headed north and 'home' to Scotland... ...and finally arriving in the Loch Lomond National Park - btw, Loch Lomond is the largest lake in Great Britain by surface area, and the second largest next to Loch Ness for volume…