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Old Town Bucharest, Romania

It has been a fascinating week here in Old Town Bucharest…  There were meetings of the EU Foreign Ministers being held here and most of the delegates and their entourage were staying in my hotel – needless to say, the place has been crawling with secret service!  Thankfully, there is now only a handful remaining as most of the delegates left this morning – as I step outside the hotel front door, you can see one secret service man in black wearing a flack jacket on the left talking on a phone…

Romania is full of contrasts -primarily the glorious old buildings that have been preserved, and those that have not…

~ Bella


The day was cloudy, foggy, damp, and quite dreich (Scottish word) when with my driver Elisei, I set out in search of Bulgaria - as one does! Bucharest itself - particularly the Old Town - is quite lovely, but on our way our of town, Elisei advised that we were…
Leaving Bucharest early in the morning, we head up into the Carpathian Mountains on an existing medieval route linking Transylvania and Wallachia, in search of Peles Castle - built between 1873 and 1914 for the German King Carol I of Romania. Btw, although Romania is the second poorest country in Europe after…

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