Cruising on the River Danube from Vienna to Slovakia, making new friends, and all in aid of a good cause – what a wonderful way to invest one’s day!
After leaving home and walking across the road to grab a taxi (and spotting yet another beautiful door!)…
…I arrive at the Twin City Liner jetty at Schwedenplatz (German for Sweden Square – although I have yet to look up why it is called that).
Today was the ceremonial opening of the Twin City Liner season 2018.
As part of the festivities, original “Pressburger Kipferl” were served at the entry point in Vienna.
The history of this delight apparently began at the end of the 16th century, when the first records from the former Pressburg of the sale of a pastry filled with poppy seeds or nuts appeared.
The Radio Wien-Band was terrific…
These shoes were on one coooool cat… 🙂
No, the sound guy is not blocking his ears from noise…
…he was attempting to warm them up!
Boarding time…
…through the main deck…
…and up to the captain’s lounge!
These rather peculiar looking buildings are fisher huts…
You can see from the water flowing around this buoy just how powerful was the current…
Some of the huts are quite decked out with solar, satellite dishes and more…
This (below) is my new friend, Michael – a retired computer engineer who grew up in Slovakia (or Czechoslovakia as it was at the time) and now lives in Vienna…
I always think these trees look like they have pom-poms on them…
…and while we were happily tucked away in the captain’s lounge, others found the going a little ‘breeeeeezy’…
Welcome (back) to Bratislava!
This city has only been the capital of Slovakia for 25 years… It’s amazing to think of such major history being so recently created.
…complete with UFOs…
Time for lunch – and since I didn’t have breakfast before I left, a very much appreciated break…
This photo does not do this meal justice – it was delicious!
…and back to Vienna…
This lady (below) was doing a ‘Titanic’ pose…
Hmmmm – so this light helps you see where you slipped?
Michael and I stopped in for a couple of glasses of wine…
…and a most glorious chat about all manner of things from places, to culture, to politics, to economy… and just as we were wrapping up, we discovered we could have continued on for several more hours on one of my favourite subjects, quantum physics!
…and home to enjoy for a late supper half a Viennese hot dog I picked up from a vendor at my front door… LOL!
An excellent day!
…and as I am posting this, it is the following day – and today I rest for tomorrow I am being picked up around 7:00am and am off to Prague!
It has been a huge week – including adding a new person to our team – and being delighted beyond delighted that they were up and running in basically o time at all… Feeling ever so blessed!
Stay tuned…
~ Bella