Home » Blog (All Posts) » Rudolph Hess recouperated here – Scotland’s Buchanan Castle

Rudolph Hess recouperated here – Scotland’s Buchanan Castle

Rudolph Hess?  Yes!  After his flight from the Third Reich to Scotland, Hess was interned in Buchanan Castle which by then had been requisitioned by the army to use as a military hospital.

This is what the castle looked like in the 1890s…

…and driving toward it, one could for a moment be forgiven for thinking it still was a stately home…

…until one gets closer…………

…and leaving the estate, was surprised to find, standing in a field…

~ Bella


Prince (my beloved car) and I decided to head out for the day and went in search of Oban... This is not the colleseum, but rather McCaig's Tower, built in 1897 by local banker John Stuart McCaig, with the aim of providing work for local stonemasons, and being a lasting monument…
Well, I knew it had to come eventually - time to leave beloved Scotland and head off for new adventures...  First a train from Glasgow to London... ...and flying out of Heathrow... ...and several hours later...  Welcome to Romania! ...and in case you are wondering, the tint is from the…

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