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Scotland to Skopje

My final day in beloved Scotland before I head off to my next globe-trotting destination on this amazing world-tour I have created for myself…

Then, up ready to leave at 3:00AM to drive to Manchester Airport for my flights from Manchester to Frankfurt to Vienna and finally arriving Skopje, North Macedonia, just before midnight.

Farewell England…

It’s not all that clear from the photo taken from my phone, but that is a wind farm down there – with some sort of pipeline that stretches who knows how long in a straight line…

Airplane food tastes like cardboard?  Not on my flights!

Hello Europe!

Hello Germany…

Gone are the days of Business Lounges being lovely places to rest…  this was more like a Greyhound terminal – with monitors walking around to make sure no one drank anything, ate anything, and that their masks were fitted according to regulations and very tight…  (Eeeegads – with this and the bullying tactics of the immigration officers every time I have been here, unless I absolutely have to, I am never, ever coming to Frankfurt Airport again – but thankfully, this was the only black mark on an otherwise lovely trip)

Who said German was difficult to learn?  The swim vest be findeth under where you sitz!

Next flight – more delicious food…

…complete with gold-handled tea cup – very civilized!

…and finally arriving in Skopje Airport…

View from the front of my hotel…

~ Bella

It was the beginning of February, 1692 and two companies of approximately 120 men from the Campbell Earl of Argyll's Regiment of Foot who were commanded by Robert Campbell of Glenlyon arrived at the home of the Glencoe MacDonalds, as friends, supposedly seeking shelter due to the fact that the fort…
It is a magnificent day here in Skopje, North Macedonia, for my first outing to explore the immediate vicinity. I had four objectives for the adventure: ✔️ Buy a local SIM card (15GB for 30 days for €20) ✔️ Buy Coke Zero (that's my caffeine fix) ✔️ Buy alcohol (in…

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