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Sinaia-Busteni-Predeal-Brasov Road Trip 5 of 9

…and we continue… (and yes, I realise this should be number 4 of 9, but I had already uploaded everything when I realised, so…. welcome to 5!Ā  šŸ™‚ )

A street named for my birthday – September 13th!Ā  Apparently is named after the date of the closing battle of theĀ 1848 Wallachian Revolution which was fought on Dealul Spirii between the Ottoman troops and the Firemen division of Bucharest. The 13th of September is now Firefighter’s Day in Romania.


…and we continue on our amazing day…

Romania is full of flowers - they even appear on all the Romanian bank notes... and while we were stopped for a moment, I took great delight in watching this little fellow having lunch... ...and on we continue...
...and we continue... Max took us through beautiful woods and up to a most glorious place for lunch..! ...and on we continue...  

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